Hiding my true sexuality is whole thing easy for me. When I'm with guy friends, I really feel like a guy. I act like a guy. I speak and tease like a guy. In short, I'm one of them when I'm with them. I am suddenly transformed into a guy every time I joined any of my guy-group-of-friends.(I have a lot of them...I promise...But none of them took me seriously or looked at me differently...I mean you know romantically) Sometimes it is an advantage for me to be with them. I get to watch how they talk, how they think and how they do things. But being with them also mean seeing their flaws. These make me easily criticized them silently..uhm ehem..without them knowing... Hehe. But I accepted and respected the fact these flaws are just part of them. They will all be jerk in one part of their lives, they will be undecided and they will be the egoistic person on earth... But these are all just phases they needed to pass.I have learned to accept these traits from years of fri...
My Crossroads stories