My computer was infected by password-viewer.exe and pc-off.bat virus. A virus that when you type cmd on the command prompt, your pc automatically shuts down. Thank God to this article... This one saved me. :) Here it is. :) This is the symptom of a computer having bar311.exe virus A.K.A. winzip123. The virus comprises bar311.exe, password_viewer.exe, and pc-off.bat. When you boot your Windows XP in Safe Mode the message appears: Thank You!!! Password:Winzip123 The pc-off.bat contains the syntax like this"C:/path/shutdown -s -f -t 2 -c" which automatically shutdown your computer when you run the cmd.exe. So heres the solution to this problem… just follow these simple steps that im goin to discuss…. Manual removal: 1. upon start up…. after os loading… go to task manager by pressing CTRL+ALT+DEL then kill (end process) password_viewer.exe or bar311.exe or… 2. EDIT the following registry entries thru regedit at start/run [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\...